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Vietnam, China border residdents celebrate festival

Within the framework of the ceremony to officially announce the upgrade of the pair of Tra Linh (Vietnam) - Longbang (China) border gates into international ones and the opening of the Na Doong (Vietnam) - Na Ray (China) border crossing, Vietnam and China border residents celebrated a festival that brought a warm and affectionate atmosphere between people on both sides of the Vietnam - China border, further strengthening the Vietnam - China friendship. 

anh tin bai

The people of two countries enjoy the art performance

At the festival, many traditional art performances by non-professional artists from Trung Khanh district of Cao Bang province and Jingxi city of China's Guangxi took place. The art performances aim to praise the close relationship between Vietnam and China; the beauty of the homeland, the traditional customs and values of the people of the two countries, and the belief in a long-term cooperative relationship and mutual development.

Vietnam and China which are linked by mountains and rivers are special good neighbours. the official announcement of the upgrade of the Tra Linh - Longbang border gates into international ones and the opening of the Na Doong - Na Ray border crossing was a big milestone between Vietnam and China.

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